VIBRA FRANCE / Vibration techniques and equipment specialist

Vibration techniques and equipment specialist, VIBRA FRANCE offers a whole range of concrete immersion vibrators, electric moto-vibrators, pneumatic vibrators, custom vibrating tables and other vibration-related products.

Vibrateur pour la préfabrication et la construction


We offer a range of omnidirectional pneumatic vibrators (ball vibrators, roller vibrators, turbine vibrators), and a range of unidirectional pneumatic vibrators (air cushion piston and impact piston vibrators). We also specialize in electric motor-vibrators, ATEX vibrators, vibrators with central or lateral flange, vibrators with fast attachments, as well as a range of electromagnetic vibrating feeders.

Vibrateur industriel - équipement pour l'industrie

Precasting and quarries

We offer pneumatic vibrating pokers, high-power frequency converters, high-frequency electric vibrating pokers reinforced with Tungsten carbide, pneumatic or electric external moto- vibrators for moulds, formwork, pre-slab, silos, hoppers and aggregate boxes. We also propose custom vibrating tables. For quarriers, we also make vibrating tables for gabions with an optional compatible system of belting for any type of basket.

For quarries, in addition to pneumatic or electric vibrators for sieves, screeds, crushers, wringers, silo cleaning machines, hoppers or aggregate boxes, we also offer a vibrating table for gabions with an optional compatible system of belting for any type of basket.

vente vibrateur béton pour le BTP


We offer a wide selection of concrete immersion vibrators : pneumatic vibrating pokers, flexible transmission with electric or mechanical drive unit, high-frequency electric immersion pokers, electric or pneumatic external vibrators, frequency converters, generators and high-frequency immersion pokers with integrated electronic converters.


Electrical vibration Voir le tableau comparatif

Pneumatic vibration Voir le tableau comparatif

Petrol or diesel drive units Voir le tableau comparatif